THE WOMEN gather under the trees.
They bring gifts, food, and chairs.
They are gypsies and queens, oracles, saints,
Jezebels and jesters, healers, sages, and warriors.
And when the circle is complete, the magic begins.
Shyly, with dainty movements, they take turns,
shifting aside their robes to expose
missing limbs and gaping wounds.
The others gather close and peer, heads cocked,
eyes straining, and they chant,
"That is lovely, that is good,"
and the wounds stop weeping,
and they melt into scars,
silvery and light and beautiful.
Then the women lean back and laugh,
and they stretch, sensual and fierce,
like cats in the sun.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Be Thankful

Be thankful if you were never called beautiful.
Later, as you watch your colors fade and your angles soften,
you will see your own beauty.
Be thankful if you made mistakes
If you learned anything at all from them
you are wise.
Be thankful if you were never found good enough.
It turns out that once you've forgiven them
you can forgive yourself.
Be thankful if your childhood wasn't always easy.
After you've learned life's lessons
you will find your innocence.
Be thankful if you didn't do it all when you had the chance.
Now that you have no chance
you can do what you want
Be thankful if you weren't the perfect parent.
Now your children can parent you while
you become perfectly childlike.

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